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Модератор форума: Assassin, KISHECHNIK  
5 гиг книг роздаю
helm2004Дата: Понедельник, 04 Августа 2008, 11:58 | Сообщение # 1
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 5
Награды: 0
Замечания: 0%
Есть 5 гиг книг(на буржуйском языке). Кому что нужно обращайтесь вышлю на мыло или на файлообменник
| | AI Application Programming - M. Tim Jones.chm
| | AI Game Development - Synthetic Creatures with Learning and Reactive Behaviors.chm
| | AI Game Engine Programming - Brian Schwab.pdf
| | Artificial Intelligence for Games.pdf
| | Artificial Intelligence, A Modern Approach - 2nd Edition.pdf
| | Hardcore AI for Computer Games and Animation.pdf
| |
| +---AI for Game Developers
| | AI for Game Developers - David M. Bourg, Glenn Seeman.chm
| | AI for Game Developers - David M. Bourg, Glenn Seeman.pdf
| | Examples.rar
| |
| \---Programming Game AI by Example
| boost_1_32_0.rar
| Buckland_AIExecutables.zip
| Buckland_AISource.zip
| Programming Game AI by Example - Mat Buckland.chm
| Programming Game AI by Example - Mat Buckland.pdf
+---API,SDK & Consoles
| +---DirectX
| | | Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0.pdf
| | | Advanced Animation with DirectX.pdf
| | | Beginning Direct3D Game Programming, Second Edition.pdf
| | | Beginning DirectX 9.pdf
| | | Cutting Edge Direct3D Programming.chm
| | | DirectX 3D Graphics Programming Bible.pdf
| | | DirectX 8.1 Programming for C PlusPlus.chm
| | | DirectX 9 Graphics - The Definitive Guide to Direct3D.pdf
| | | Directx 9 User Interfaces - Design and Implementation.pdf
| | | DotNET Game Programming with DirectX 9.0.pdf
| | | Game Programming with DirectX 9.0.pdf
| | | Graphics Programming with DirectX 9 Module I.pdf
| | | Graphics Programming with DirectX 9 Module II.pdf
| | | Inside Direct3D.chm
| | | Introduction to 3D Game Engine Design Using DirectX 9 and C#.chm
| | | Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0.pdf
| | | Programming Role-playing Games With DirectX.pdf
| | | Strategy Game Programming With Directx 9.0.chm
| | |
| | \---Shader Programming
| | Direct3D ShaderX - Vertex and Pixel Shader Tips and Tricks.pdf
| | J.C.Lelterman - Learn Vertex and Pixel Shader Programming With DirectX 9.pdf
| | Real Time Shader Programming.chm
| | Shaders for Game Programming and Artists.pdf
| | ShaderX^2 - Introductions and Tutorials with DirectX 9.0.pdf
| | ShaderX^2 - Shader Programming Tips and Tricks with DirectX 9.pdf
| | Vector Game Math Processors.pdf
| | Vector_math_game_processors_vmp_x86.zip
| | W.F.Engel - Shaderx2 - Shader Programming Tips & Tricks With Directx 9.pdf
| |
| +---Flash and Actionscript
| | | ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook.chm
| | | Actionscript 3.0 Game Programming University.rar
| | | Advanced ActionScript 3 With Design Patterns (2006).chm
| | | Flex2 Developer's Guide.pdf
| | | The Essential Guide to Flex 2 with ActionScript 3.0.pdf
| | | Tonypa Source flas.rar
| | |
| | +---Essential Actionscript 3.0
| | | Examples.rar
| | | OReilly Essential ActionScript 3.0.pdf
| | |
| | +---Professional Adobe Flex 2
| | | Wrox Professional Adobe Flex 2.chm
| | |
| | \---Programming Flex 2
| | flex_code_examples.rar
| | OReilly Programming Flex 2.pdf
| |
| +---Mod
| | Half Life 2 Mods For Dummies.pdf
| |
| +---OpenGL
| | | Morgan Kaufmann - Advanced Graphics Programming Using OpenGL.pdf
| | | OpenGL Programming Guide.pdf
| | | OpenGL Red Book and Blue Book.rar
| | | OpenGL Shading Language.chm
| | | OpenGL Super Bible.pdf
| | |
| | \---Beginning OpenGL Game Programming
| | Beginning OpenGL Game Programming Source Code.rar
| | Beginning OpenGL Game Programming.pdf
| |
| +---PS2
| | ConsoleYourself.pdf
| | HardTuningPS2.pdf
| | HighLevelDevelopment.pdf
| | HowFarHaveWeGot.pdf
| | Index.txt
| | InsidePlayStation2.pdf
| | IntroductionToPS2.pdf
| | IntroductionToPSPDevelopment.pdf
| | Network.pdf
| | PerformanceAnalyser.pdf
| | PS2forPCprogrammers.pdf
| | PS2Optimisations.pdf
| | ThePowerOfPS2.pdf
| | Tutorials.rar
| |
| \---Xbox
| Sams Microsoft XNA Unleashed.pdf
| Wrox Professional XNA Game Programming For Xbox 360 and Windows.chm
+---Game Engine and Game Design
| +---Game Design
| | | Andrew Rollings and Ernest Adams on Game Design - Andrew Rollings, Ernest Adams.chm
| | | Andrew Rollings and Ernest Adams on Game Design.chm
| | | Beginning Game Level Design - John Feil and Marc Scttergood.pdf
| | | Beginning Game Level Design.pdf
| | | Character Development and Storytelling for Games.pdf
| | | Chris Crawford on Game Design.chm
| | | Designing Virtual Worlds.chm
| | | Game Design - Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition.chm
| | | Game Design - Theory and Practice.pdf
| | | Game Design Foundations.pdf
| | | Game Design Workshop - Designing, Prototyping, and Playtesting Games.chm
| | | Game Design, 2nd Edition.pdf
| | | Game Development and Production.chm
| | | Game Interface Design - Brent Fox.pdf
| | | Game Interface Design.pdf
| | | Game Scripting Mastery - Alex Varanese and Andre Lamothe.pdf
| | | Games That Sell!.pdf
| | | Macromedia Flash MX Game Design Demystified.chm
| | | Ultimate Game Design - Building Game Worlds.pdf
| | |
| | \---Design Documents
| | Freddy Design.pdf
| | Info.txt
| | Larry's Casino Design.pdf
| | Larry5 Design.pdf
| | Larry6 Design.pdf
| | Larry7 Design.pdf
| | Torin Design.pdf
| |
| +---Game Engine Programming
| | | 3D Game Engine Architecture - Engineering Real Time Applications with Wild Magic - David H. Eberl.pdf
| | | 3D Game Engine Design - David H. Eberly.pdf
| | | 3D Game Engine Programming - Stefan Zerbst and Oliver Duvel.pdf
| | | Algorithms And Networking For Computer Games - Jouni Smed, Harri Hakonen.pdf
| | | Beginning C# Game Programming.pdf
| | | Beginning Game Audio Programming - Mason McCuskey.chm
| | | Beginning Game Programming.pdf
| | | Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments.pdf
| | | Core Techniques and Algorithms in Game Programming - Daniel Sanchez-Crespo Dalmau.pdf
| | | Data Structure For Game Programmers - Ron Penton and Andre Lamothe.pdf
| | | Fundamentals of Audio and Video Programming for Games - Peter Turcan and Mike Wasson.chm
| | | How GPUs Work - David Lubeke.pdf
| | | Polygon collision.rar
| | |
| | +---Game Engine Source Codes
| | | | d3_1.3.1_sdk.exe
| | | | Initial Thoughts on Quake 3 and Quake 4 SDK.pdf
| | | | Quake4_1.3_SDK.exe
| | | | WildMagic4p6.zip
| | | | Wolfenstein 3D.rar
| | | |
| | | +---Doom
| | | | CODE LIST.txt
| | | | linuxdoom-1.10.src.tgz
| | | | README.TXT
| | | | sndserv.tgz
| | | |
| | | +---Quake 1
| | | | gnu.txt
| | | | Quake1Source.zip
| | | | readme.txt
| | | |
| | | +---Quake 2
| | | | | Quake II .NET.msi
| | | | | Quake II NET Demo Script.pdf
| | | | | Quake II NET Port Whitepaper.pdf
| | | | |
| | | | \---q2source-3.21
| | | | gnu.txt
| | | | q2source-3.21.zip
| | | | readme.txt
| | | |
| | | \---Quake 3
| | | Homing Missile.rar
| | | quake 3 - 1.32b.zip
| | |
| | \---Maths and Physics
| | | 3D Math Primer For Graphics And Game Development - Fletcher Dunn and Ian Parberry.pdf
| | | Game Physics - David H. Eberly.pdf
| | | Gameinstitute.com - Game Mathematics.rar
| | | Gameinstitute.com - Physics for Game Developers.rar
| | | Mathematical Physics - A Modern Introduction to its foundations.pdf
| | | Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics - Eric Lengyel.pdf
| | | Mathematics for Game Developers - Christopher Tremblay.pdf
| | | Physics for Game Developers - David M. Bourg.pdf
| | | Probability for Dummies.pdf
| | | Probability Theory - The Logic of Science.pdf
| | | The Elements of Euclid by John Casey.pdf
| | |
| | +---Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers
| | | Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - Wendy Stahler.chm
| | | Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers.rar
| | |
| | +---Essential Mathematics for Games & Interactive applications
| | | Essential Mathematics for Games & Interactive applications.pdf
| | | Essential Mathematics for Games & Interactive applications.rar
| | |
| | +---Game Physics Engine Development - Ian Millington
| | | Game Physics Engine Development - Ian Millington.pdf
| | | Millington_GamePhysics_cd.zip
| | |
| | \---Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus - Andre Lamothe
| | A.LaMothe - Tricks Of The 3D Game Programming Gurus. Advanced 3D Graphics And Rasterization.pdf
| | Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus - Andre Lamothe.pdf
| | Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus - Andre Lamothe.rar
| |
| +---Game Programming
| | | Beginner's Guide to DarkBASIC Game Programming.chm
| | | Creating Games In C++ - A Step By Step Guide - David Conger, Ron Little.chm
| | | Focus on Curves and Surfaces.chm
| | | Focus On Photon Mapping.chm
| | | Game Development with ActionScript.chm
| | | Game Programming All in One - Bruno Miguel Teixeira de Sousa and Andre Lamothe.pdf
| | | Game Programming All in One, 2nd Edition.pdf
| | | Game Programming for Teens, 2nd Edition.pdf
| | | Game Programming Golden Rules - Martin Brownlow.pdf
| | | Game Programming with Python, Lua, and Ruby.chm
| | | Linux Games Programming - John R. Hall.pdf
| | | MUD Game Programming.chm
| | | Multiplayer Game Programming - Andre Mulholland and Teijo Hakala.pdf
| | | Programming Multiplayer Games.pdf
| | | Programming Windows Games with Borland C++.pdf
| | | Sams Teach Yourself Game Programming in 24 hours.rar
| | | Strategy Game Programming with DirectX 9.0.chm
| | | Virtual Machine Design and Implementation in C.C++.chm
| | | Wireless Game Development in C&C++ with BREW.chm
| | | Wireless Game Development in Java with MIDP 2.0.chm
| | |
| | +---3D Game Programming All in One - Kenneth C. Finney
| | | 3D Game Programming All in One - Kenneth C. Finney.pdf
| | | 3D2E.rar
| | |
| | +---Beginning C++ Game Programming
| | | Begining C plus plus Game Programming - Michael Dawson.pdf
| | | Beginning C++ Game Programming - Michael Dawson.chm
| | |
| | \---Game Programming Gems Series
| | Game Programming Gems 1.pdf
| | Game Programming Gems 2.pdf
| | Game Programming Gems 3.pdf
| | Game Programming Gems 4.pdf
| | Game Programming Gems 6.pdf
| | GameProgrammingGems5-CDROM.rar
| | GameProgrammingGems6-CDROM.rar
| |
| +---Graphics Programming
| | | Computer Graphics C Version 2Ed - Donald Hearn , Pauline Baker.pdf
| | | Graphics Programming Black Book - Michael Abrash.pdf
| | | Physical Based Rendering From Theory to Implementation.pdf
| | | Real Time Rendering.djvu
| | | Zen of Graphics Programming - Michael Abrash.rar
| | |
| | +---GPU Gems - nvidia
| | | | GPU Programming Guide.pdf
| | | | NVIDIA_SDK10_Direct3D_10.11.0501.1720.exe
| | | | NVIDIA_SDK10_OpenGL_10.52.0215.1635.exe
| | | |
| | | +---Cg
| | | | Cg-2.0_May2008_LanguageSpecification.pdf
| | | | Cg-2.0_May2008_ReferenceManual.pdf
| | | | Cg-2.0_May2008_Setup.exe
| | | | CgUsersManual.pdf
| | | |
| | | +---GPU Gems 1
| | | | GPU Gems - CD Contents.zip
| | | | GPU Gems 1.djvu
| | | |
| | | +---GPU Gems 2
| | | | GPU Gems 2 - CD Contents.rar
| | | | GPU Gems 2.djvu
| | | |
| | | \---GPU Gems 3
| | | GPU Gems 3 - Visual TOC.pdf
| | | GPU Gems 3.chm
| | |
| | \---Graphics Gems Series
| | Graphics Gems 1 - Andrew S Glassner.pdf
| | Graphics Gems 2 - James Arvo.pdf
| | Graphics Gems 3 - David Kirk.pdf
| | Graphics Gems 4 - Paul S. Heckbert.pdf
| | Graphics Gems 5 - Alan W. Paeth.pdf
| | Graphics Gems Series.rar
| |
| \---Others
| | CryENGINE 2 Features.pdf
| | GeForce 8800 GPU Architecture Technical Brief - 1.pdf
| | Level of Detail for 3D Graphics.pdf
| | Lumenex Engine Technical Brief.pdf
| | Microsoft DirectX 10 Technical Brief.pdf
| | Source Engine Infosheet.pdf
| |
| \---Gameinstitute.com - CPP Modules
| C++ Module I.pdf
| C++ Module II.pdf
| A Flexible and Expandable Architecture for Computer Games - Thesis with Appendix.pdf
| A Guide to Computer Animation for TV, Games, Multimedia and Web.pdf
| Awesome 3D Game Development - No Programming Required.chm
| Better Game Characters by Design.pdf
| Beyond Reality - A Guide to Alternate Reality Gaming.pdf
| C Game Programming For Dummies 2.pdf
| Creating Emotion in Games. The Craft and Art of Emotioneering.pdf
| Digital Animation Bible.pdf
| Digital Storytelling.pdf
| Elementary Game Programming and Simulators Using Jamagic.chm
| Evolution of GPUs.pdf
| Experience XSI 4 - The Official Softimage XSI 4 Guide to Character Creation.pdf
| Flash MX 2004 Games - Art to ActionScript.pdf
| Game Art for Teens.pdf
| Game Coding Complete.chm
| Game Design Workshop. Designing, Prototyping, and Playtesting Games.chm
| Game Developer's Market Guide.pdf
| Game Development Business and Legal Guide.chm
| Game Development Series - Character Development and Storytelling.pdf
| Game Testing All in One.chm
| LightWave 3D 8 Lighting.pdf
| Lightwave 3D [8] - Cartoon Character Creation, Volume 1.pdf
| Lightwave 3D [8] - Character Animation.pdf
| Lightwave 3D [8], Cartoon Character Creation, Volume 2.pdf
| Modeling a Character in 3DS Max, 2nd Edition.pdf
| Networking and Online Games - Understanding and Engineering Multiplayer Internet Games.pdf
| Programming Games for Series 60.pdf
| Quake 4 Mods For Dummies.pdf
| Retro Gaming Hacks.chm
| Satisficing Games and Decision Making.pdf
| Secrets of the Game Business.chm
| Serious Games - Games that Educate, Train and Inform.pdf
| SHREK-The Story Behind the Screen.pdf
| Software Engineering and Computer Games.chm
| Software Engineering for Game Developers.pdf
| Symbian OS Internals.pdf
| The Unauthorized Halo 2 Battle Guide.pdf
| Timing for Animation.chm
| Unit Operations - An Approach to Videogame Criticism.pdf
+---Animation Tools
| 3Ds Max 8 Bible.pdf
| Sybex Introducing 3ds Max 9 3D for Beginners.pdf
| The Game Animator's Guide To Maya.pdf
+---Course Details
| Maths.pdf
| Physics.pdf
\---Game Magazines
Electronic Gaming Monthly - Oct 2007.pdf
Games for Windows - Aug 2007.pdf
Games for Windows - Jul 2007.pdf
Games for Windows - May 2007.pdf
Games for Windows - Sep 2007.pdf
Hardcore Gamer Magazines - Jul 2007.pdf
Hardcore Gamer Magazines - May 2007.pdf

helm2004Дата: Понедельник, 04 Августа 2008, 11:59 | Сообщение # 2
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 5
Награды: 0
Замечания: 0%
ПрохожийДата: Понедельник, 04 Августа 2008, 12:57 | Сообщение # 3
Группа: Гости

helm2004, а можно мне на holydel[at]likosoft.ru только эти книги:

| | | +---GPU Gems 1
| | | | GPU Gems - CD Contents.zip
| | | | GPU Gems 1.djvu
| | | |
| | | +---GPU Gems 2
| | | | GPU Gems 2 - CD Contents.rar
| | | | GPU Gems 2.djvu
| | | |
| | | \---GPU Gems 3
| | | GPU Gems 3 - Visual TOC.pdf
| | | GPU Gems 3.chm
| | |
| | \---Graphics Gems Series
| | Graphics Gems 1 - Andrew S Glassner.pdf
| | Graphics Gems 2 - James Arvo.pdf
| | Graphics Gems 3 - David Kirk.pdf
| | Graphics Gems 4 - Paul S. Heckbert.pdf
| | Graphics Gems 5 - Alan W. Paeth.pdf
| | Graphics Gems Series.rar

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